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Tagged: China Gateway

Buckeye Panel Series engages alumni in China

More than 50 Ohio State alumni and friends attended the third Buckeye Panel on March 19. The virtual event was hosted by the Chengdu Alumni Club. Weiguo Sun (PhD, Chemistry ‘92) and Ming Pu (PhD, Mathematics ‘07) shared their insight and advice on personal and professional development. They also discussed their views on the importance of choosing a career path after graduation, and how to make best use of a study abroad experience to enhance career development.

Academic directors for Global Gateways appointed

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) has appointed three Ohio State faculty members to serve as academic directors for the Global Gateways, Ohio State’s liaison offices in China, India and Brazil. In addition to their faculty appointments, they will serve as part-time senior advisors for the Global Gateways and connect with Ohio State’s 15 colleges and regional campuses to identify new partnership opportunities abroad.

Facilitating Fisher Global Lab to Taiwan

The China Gateway and Alumni Club of Taiwan assisted the Office of Global Business to plan the Global Lab to Taiwan, a 10-day faculty-led education abroad program in May 2023. This is the first education abroad program to China since 2019. Global Labs are immersive cultural and business tours led by a Fisher College of Business faculty expert. These short-term, high intensity programs offer a quick survey of different business specializations and regions of the world.

Resources to support a diverse and inclusive campus

Ohio State is committed to a safe and welcoming campus, a comprehensive and inclusive education, and a truly anti-racist community for all. All too often there are examples of antisemitism, racism and other hateful behavior reported in the national news.

Diversity and inclusion are essential components of Ohio State's excellence, and the university's shared values establish the commitment to reinforce an ethical culture. There is no place for hate at Ohio State. 

Fisher hosted virtual information session at Beijing Jiaotong University

The Fisher College of Business hosted a virtual graduate programs information session for students of Beijing Jiaotong University on November 22. Dan Kieffer, Fisher College of Business senior assistant director of MBA recruiting and admissions, hosted the session.

China University of Political Science and Law hosts Ohio State Moritz professor

On November 16, a virtual guest lecture was hosted by China University of Political Science and Law featuring Katrina Lee, Ohio State Moritz College of Law professor and director of Moritz’s dispute resolution program. Lee presented to the School of Civil and Commercial Law about ethics and legal writing in the U.S., sources of law and court hierarchy and structure of legal analysis and ethical issues.

Moderating the lecture was Yong Wang, professor and vice chairman of China Business Law Society, who also visited Ohio State Moritz College of Law in September 2019.

China Gateway helps students navigate career opportunities in China

This summer, the China Gateway hosted a virtual event series in partnership with the American Universities’ China Association to support students learning about industry development trends and career opportunities in China. The series attracted 85 Buckeyes from the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering and Fisher College of Business.

IIE publishes Open Doors Report

The Ohio State University is ranked in the top 30 nationally among doctoral institutions hosting international students, according to a national report released today.

Ohio State is 26th in the nation and 6th in the Big Ten with 6,604* international students enrolled in 2021, a decrease of 3.8 percent from 2020.

The outbreak of COVID-19 during the 2020-21 academic year significantly limited the ability for students to study abroad and Ohio State currently is not nationally ranked.

Flag football game hosted by Shanghai Alumni Club

The Shanghai Alumni Club kicked off a flag football game series for Big Ten university alumni in Shanghai.

More than 20 Ohio State alumni participated in the game held on October 16. Local high school students from Minhang Crosspoint Academy and Shanghai Star River Bilingual School and their parents were invited to the game by the China Gateway. This game provided students with the opportunity to connect with Buckeye alumni and learn more about Ohio State and the China Gateway.

China Gateway continues to support undergraduate recruitment efforts

The China Gateway participated in an undergraduate tour in September and continued their partnership with the Office of Student Academic Excellence to support recruitment of new Buckeyes.

The recruitment tour began in September with visits to high schools and meetings with counselors in Beijing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Suzhou, Changshu, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. In partnership with the Office of Student Academic Excellence, the China Gateway attended fairs, visited schools and hosted online information sessions to support students and their applications to Ohio State.