Mitch Lerner, professor of U.S. diplomatic history with a focus on Korea and director of the East Asian Studies Center (EASC), has been named a recipient of the President and Provost’s Award for Distinguished Faculty Service.

Faculty Affairs Leadership Podcast
Vice Provost Kaya Şahin talks about the pivotal role universities play in shaping global citizens.
Global Profiles
Sucharita Sen's Fulbright journey at Ohio State
As a Fulbright-Nehru Postdoctoral Fellow at The Ohio State University, Sucharita Sen has found her time both personally enriching and professionally trans
Buckeyes Abroad: Audrey Radick
"I've always wanted to study abroad to experience a new culture firsthand, and Florence, Italy feels like the perfect place with its rich history and great location for travel.
Buckeyes Abroad: Gavin Storm O'Brien
Japanese major Gavin Storm O’Brien is studying in Sapporo, Japan via an exchange program with Hokkaido University for the 2024-2025 academic year.