Location: Soufriere, Saint Lucia
Date: August 2020
Photographer: Nathan Peachman
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Home Country: United States
Category: People
Award: 1st Place
"After walking to the beach, I was met a new life long friend, named Kyle. Kyle and I played "cartoons" in the water, splash and made faces at the camera, and ran around the beach playing football/soccer with a plastic bottle. Later, I spoke with his Aunt, Yasmine, who explained to me Kyle was abandoned by his mother and took him in so he wouldn't grow up on the streets. Two days later, they had me over for an authentic St. Lucian meal. It's so incredibly eye-opening to witness how the rest of the world lives. St. Lucian is by no means the cleanest country I've ever been to, but it truly is the soul of the Caribbean and none more embody that idea than Kyle and Yasmine. They have very little but we some of the kindest people I've met around the world."