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Tagged: Global One Health

GOHi continues support of AEFI causality assessment in Ethiopia

The Ohio State University Global One Health initiative (GOHi) is supporting the Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority (EFDA) in undertaking a causality assessment of adverse events following immunizations (AEFI) reported to the national pharmacovigilance system.

The team conducted the assessment in January with 33 participants, including the pharmacovigilance advisory committee members and the pharmacovigilance team from the EFDA.

GOHi and EPHI collaborate on epidemiological surveillance training

The Ohio State University Global One Health Initiative (GOHi) has supported Acute Febrile Illness (AFI) surveillance in Ethiopia in collaboration with the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI). This project aims to strengthen the biosurveillance and laboratory detection capacity of the EPHI for a broad range of pathogens causing AFI in Ethiopia and to inform the public on the magnitude, risk and appropriate prevention and control mechanisms. So far, the team has enrolled more than 1,000 AFI cases and collected samples from five hospitals to test for selected pathogens.

GOHi provides training for IPC auditors

Implementing robust infection prevention and control (IPC) measures is crucial for delivering proper healthcare services to patients. IPC grounded in practical and evidence-based strategies protects patients and healthcare workers from preventable infections.

GOHi facilitates training on proper specimen collection

Ensuring patient care improvement, optimal diagnostic test yield and precise treatment guidance hinges on properly collecting specimens. Training healthcare professionals in standard specimen collection procedures is pivotal for effective disease control and prevention. Microbiology labs frequently reported receiving poor specimen quality from Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH), highlighting a significant issue and leading to false positive and negative results.

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week celebrated

The fight against the emergence and spread of multidrug-resistant organisms needs intervention on several fronts. One area of focus is advocacy – creating awareness among the public and healthcare professional communities – and there's no better time to achieve this than during World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW).

GOHi participates in Ethiopia's COVID-19 response documentation workshop

The Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) and partners organized a workshop in Ethiopia in November to document and institutionalize Ethiopia's experience in COVID-19 pandemic preparedness and response. The findings will inform Health Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Resilience (HEPRR) efforts and be a reference for future use, enabling better preparedness and responses to similar public health emergencies. Additionally, the report will contribute to national planning, such as the National Action Plan for Health Security and contingency planning for imminent hazards.

Training supports vaccine safety in Ethiopia

The Global One Health initiative (GOHi) conducted training on Hospital-Based Sentinel Surveillance (HBSS) for Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI) for vaccines in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority (EFDA).

GOHi co-organizes workshop on food safety in Ethiopia

Researchers representing six food safety projects presented their findings at a workshop in Addis Ababa, which focused on Ethiopia's health and economic burden of foodborne diseases and the challenges and opportunities for improving food safety.

GOHi helps strengthen AFI surveillance in Ethiopia

The Ohio State University Global One Health initiative (GOHi) is currently working with the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Ethiopia to improve Acute Febrile Illness (AFI) surveillance in Ethiopia. AFI is a common clinical syndrome that can be caused by various pathogens, ranging from simple treatable and vaccine-preventable infectious agents to newly emerging pathogens with pandemic potential.

GOHi facilitates advanced data analysis training

The Ohio State University Global One Health initiative (GOHi) recently conducted two rounds of practical training on advanced data management and analysis using R.