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Tagged: Buckeyes Abroad

Buckeyes Abroad: Shayna Kling

Shayna Kling, a junior psychology major and Spanish and business minors, is studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain during spring semester 2022.

It feels freeing to step outside my Ohio State bubble and explore a completely different culture. I am also enjoying the challenges that are coming my way in terms of adjusting to a completely different culture that I would not have had if I stayed in the comfort of Ohio State for another semester.

Buckeyes Abroad: Hannah Grayem

Two women pose in front of body of water.

Hannah Grayem studied abroad in Paphos, Cyprus, on the 

Buckeyes Abroad: Brianna Cunningham

Brianna Cunningham, a senior majoring in geographic information science and minoring in computer information science, studied abroad on the Geography of the European Union in Cyprus in May 2018. Brianna vlogged about her experience abroad.

Buckeyes Abroad: Rachel Brunot

Rachel Brunot, a junior double majoring in international studies and geography, studied abroad on the Geography of the European Union education program during May 2019.

Buckeyes Abroad: Shaleen Ghosh

Shaleen Ghosh is a third-year biology major who studied abroad on the Geography of the European Union program in Cyprus in May 2019.