"Temple Watcher"
Location: Temple of Isis at Philae, Aswan, Egypt
Date: July 2019
Photographer: Zi Yuan
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Home Country: China
Category: People
Award: Honorable Mention
In the artist’s own words: "This photo was taken at the Temple of Isis at Philae, Egypt. The walls of the temple contain scenes from Egyptian mythology of Isis, one of the most important goddesses of ancient Egypt, bringing Osiris, god of the underworld and Osiris, back to life, giving birth to Horus, and mummifying Osiris after his death. As I was walking in the ancient temple amazed by those scenes and scripts made thousand years ago, I saw this Egyptian temple watcher standing and relaxing by the wall. I thought that his characteristics and the wall behind him would make a very interesting and mystical scene, and I took this photo."