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Tagged: Brazil Gateway

Ohio State ranked 151st in QS World University Rankings

The Ohio State University has been named one of the world’s top universities, according to the 2024 edition of the QS World University Rankings released today. Ohio State is ranked 151st in the world and 35th in the United States.

Faculty grants will support Area Studies Centers engagement

The Office of International Affairs is seeking applications for its Faculty Research, Teaching and Outreach Grant. The grant supports faculty working on projects that align with the mission and current engagement initiatives of the university’s five Area Studies Centers and their respective regions of the world. Proposed activities should be directly connected to Africa, East Asia, Latin America, Middle East or Eastern Europe and Eurasia.

Meli Bees offers internship to Ohio State student

The Brazil Gateway continues to strengthen its relationship with Meli Bees, a nonprofit working to protect the Meli stingless bees in indigenous, quilombola, campesino or other rural and urban communities in the most endangered areas of the Amazon Rainforest. Through environmental education and knowledge generation, Meli Bees helps communities create environmentally and economically sustainable activities that allows both land and people to flourish.

Consultants complete Center for Operational Excellence program

Founded in 2003 out of the technology incubator of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro as a management and technology consulting company, Visagio is now a global business development transformation platform with projects delivered across more than 40 countries. With offices in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Recife, Brazil; Perth and Sydney, Australia; and London, United Kingdom, Visagio has a long-standing partnership with The Ohio State University, mainly with the Fisher College of Business.

Brazilian students and scholars share culture on campus

Taste of OSU, an Ohio State Office of International Affairs’ signature event, took place on February 17 at the Ohio Union. This year, 30 international clubs showcased their culture through food, performances and informational booths. The Brazilian Student Association participated in the event where they made “pasteis” (fried savory pastry) and “brigadeiros” (chocolate fudge), both beloved Brazilian dishes.

Academic directors for Global Gateways appointed

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) has appointed three Ohio State faculty members to serve as academic directors for the Global Gateways, Ohio State’s liaison offices in China, India and Brazil. In addition to their faculty appointments, they will serve as part-time senior advisors for the Global Gateways and connect with Ohio State’s 15 colleges and regional campuses to identify new partnership opportunities abroad.

Brazil Gateway visits Columbus sister city

A delegation from Greater Columbus Sister Cities International visited Brazil in January to meet with companies and government offices in Curitiba, Columbus’ sister city since 2014. The group included members and representatives from Columbus’ business, health, housing and transportation sectors.

Ohio State professors engage Brazilian audiences

In November and December, Fabio Leite, an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at the Lima Campus, taught the virtual workshop “Developing Intercultural Competence: A preparation to study, research or work in another culture or interact with other cultures.” Over 100 Brazilian students and professionals registered to attend the four-part workshop series.

Ohio State alumna publishes book with Brazilian teacher

Marla Goins, PhD '20, published the book “A Amiga Estadunidense da Abayomi” in collaboration with Maria Aline Soares, a teacher and activist in Brazil. Goins earned her doctorate from the College of Education Human Ecology and was a visiting research fellow at the University of São Paulo in 2018 and 2019-2020 as part of her doctoral studies in the Teaching and Learning program.

Fisher College of Business first to travel to Brazil since 2020

For the first time since 2020, Ohio State students studied abroad in Brazil. The Fisher College of Business Honors Cohort education abroad program provided Ohio State students an opportunity to work with Brazilian students on a case for a company, understand the opportunity and challenges associated with a major emerging market and become immersed in Brazilian culture.