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Virtual Exchange Global Teaching and Learning Grant


The Office of International Affairs, the Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning and the Office of Technology and Digital Innovation are sponsoring the third faculty grant competition to develop internationally focused learning and cultural exchanges at Ohio State, using a variety of platforms and mediums.  

We embrace a broad definition of “Global Learning” that includes many processes of diverse people collaboratively learning, analyzing, and addressing complex problems that transcend borders.  Proposals are sought for initiating new and inclusive global teaching to internationalize the learning experiences and impact students beyond the traditional classroom or study abroad. Research findings show that having such experiences “at home” are great motivators to studying, interning, or working around the world.

View a list of past Global Teaching and Learning grant recipients(opens in new window).

Proposal Preparation

Proposals should include:

  • Summary describing the project’s objectives and anticipated impact; maximum 500 words.
  • Project narrative not exceeding 5 pages, double spaced, 12 pt. (excluding references) including the following information:
    • Target students, level of course and how it fits in the curriculum
    • Description of content and activities including learning outcomes, objectives, and mode of assessment
    • Description of anticipated impact in the context of a program, major or minor curriculum or General Education
    • Budget justification, including cost sharing, departmental stipend, or other course development resources.

Both course and component development are accepted, and a stipend will be awarded based on merit, taking into account the following criteria:

  • Implementation plan within time and budget proposed, including name of an International Education Specialist collaborator.  
  • Other support e.g.: department chair, Global Option program, new General Education offering, including high impact practices
  • Quality of project, like any experience this including list of competencies, learning outcomes and assessment. (Example pages 5-7)
  • Budget, open for a variety of uses to accommodating teaching time, assistance and partner’s support for overseas collaboration, among others

Review Criteria

Both course and component development are accepted, and the stipend will be awarded based on merit, in light of the following criteria:

  • Implementation plan, within time and budget proposed
  • Contribution to innovation of student experiences and to programs such as college Global Option programs and the new General Education curriculum, including High Impact Practices
  • Quality of project, including learning outcomes and assessment (Examples).
  • Budget, open for a variety of uses, among others to accommodate teaching time, assistance, and partner’s support for overseas collaboration.


Email proposals to by November 18, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.

Questions may be addressed to


2021 - 2022
  • Kristen Conroy (Department of Biological Engineering/Engineering Service Learning) for “Engineering Service Learning in Ghana”
  • Richard Fletcher (Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy) for “Ways of Listening and Learning at the Toronto Biennial of Art”
  • Fabio Leite (Ohio State Lima) for “ Intercultural Competence for Study and Work at Ohio State”
  • Larysa Stepanova (Department of Slavic and Eastern European Languages and Cultures) for “Collaboration with the Institution of Higher Education Abroad” in collaboration with Russian Federal University
  • Joni Tornwall (College of Nursing) for “Global Perspectives on Instructional Design and Peer Feedback in Nursing Education”
  • Michele Saraiva Carilo (Department of Spanish and Portuguese) for "Teaching Abroad: Exploring Innovative Pedagogies and Socio-culturally Diverse Contexts” Teaching TESOL students intercultural and contextual background related to Brazil
2020 - 2021
  • Matt Dreher (Center for Aviation Studies) for “ Collaborative Aviation Learning through Internationally Integrated Classwork” in partnership with Mae Fah Luang University (Thailand) and Seneca College (Canada)
  • Howard Greene (Office of Diversity, Outreach and Inclusion Office for “Sustainable Community Development Collaborative Partnership” in partnership with Zamorano University (Honduras) and Heart to Honduras
  • Gisell Jeter-Bennett (Office of Diversity, Outreach and Inclusion) for “Exploring Race, Gender, and Class in Engineering Education” in Rio, Brazil and Bahia, Brazil
  • Danielle Schoon (Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures) for “Virtual Exchange in Istanbul, Turkey” in partnership with Kadir Has University (Turkey)
  • Larysa Stepanova (Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures) for “ Virtual Component to the Upper-Level Language Class” in partnership with Russian Federal University (Russia)
  • Lyn Tjon Soei (Department of Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies) for "The Transnational Feminist Legal Advocacy Clinic” in partnership with Amsterdam Law School (Netherlands) and Bureau Clara Wichmann (Netherlands)
  • Sarah Van Beurden (Department of African American and African Studies) for "The Afro-Ecuadorian Diaspora: A Collaborative Classroom Project” in Quito, Ecuador