"Passing It On"
Location: Puno, Peru
Date: March 2019
Photographer: Vanessa Burrowes @vanessabphotography
Ohio State Affiliation: Alumni
Home Country: United States
Category: Arts & Culture
Award: 3rd Place
2022 International Photography Exhibition
Description: "Celebrating the Fiesta de La Virgen de Candelaria is largely a family and community event for Puno and the surrounding Andean regions outside of the city. In addition to the festival spanning the better part of the two weeks in February, the event itself is attended and danced by multiple generations of family members who take great pride in rehearsing and building up to the days of the celebration. In between groups lining up for their time slots for the street festival, I managed to capture this small joyous moment of downtime between a grandson and his grandfather as they both prepared for their family group's debut. While the grandfather appeared to be quite excited that his grandson was able to participate and continue to practice these traditions and dances, his grandson also seemed perfectly delighted to just be there with everyone on such a celebratory day."