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One Health Summer Institute

The annual One Health Summer Institute involves faculty from Ohio State and regional partners delivering modular training, interactive workshops, didactic training and applied learning opportunities to build One Health capacity among Ohio State students and eastern Africa professionals.

The Summer Institute is supported through donor funds, federal grant funding, Ethiopian partners funding and in-kind donations and involves faculty and staff from across the university, including faculty from 30 different departments with very diverse expertise.

OHSI is a keystone project to the Global One Health initiative’s capacity building among Ohio State undergraduates, graduate, professional students, faculty and post-doctoral fellows. It provides the Ohio State community with opportunities for hands-on training in research, animal care, One Health techniques and laboratory methods. In addition, the Summer Institute has expanded Ohio State’s presence in the region and created opportunities for pursuing other sponsored programs with regional partners.

The Summer Institute will offer diverse One Health opportunities, including training on One Health communications strategies, international trade and risk analysis, molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases and study design and sample size estimation.