
Mar 29, 2021

Academic integrity in an online learning environment

Final examinations for semester and second-session classes will take place April 26-30. It is important that even in an online learning environment, students maintain academic integrity and that you follow Ohio State’s Code of Student Conduct.

Below are clarifications and helpful guidance to make sure that you do not unintentionally violate university rules. Visit our Academic Conduct webpage to learn more.

WHO are you allowed to collaborate with on assignments? As a default, work independently unless an instructor has assigned a group project or encouraged collaboration among classmates. Be cautious about joining group chats to discuss course material.

WHO should you go to for help? As a general rule, always go first to your course instructor with questions about course material and assignment expectations. Be cautious about relying on friends for help in a class.

WHAT materials and resources are permitted when completing assignments and exams? (Your textbook? Lecture slides? A friend’s notes? Any online source?) One of the most common academic misconduct charge for students in online courses is “possession or use of unauthorized materials”—be sure to confirm expectations directly with your course instructors.

WHEN you consult outside sources, how do you avoid plagiarism? Put quotation marks around any direct quotations and cite sources clearly, even in homework assignments, on quizzes and in class presentations.

WHERE does your professor want you looking for help understanding concepts? Always verify class policies before consulting sites like Chegg, Coursehero and StudyBlue. As a default, go directly to your instructor with questions on concepts covered in class.

WHY are friends not your best resource for help with homework? You don’t want to risk copying answers or engaging in “unauthorized collaboration.” Always check first with your course instructor for clarification on class concepts or assignment expectations. Never be embarrassed to go to a professor with questions!

HOW can you avoid being charged with academic misconduct? Always do your own work, carefully review the syllabus for course guidelines and expectations, and don’t hesitate to ask questions directly to your course instructor about anything you don’t understand. 

Additional Resources 

If you are struggling on a specific assignment or course, consider the following recourses at Ohio State: