
Jul 19, 2017

City of Columbus leadership hosts Mandela Fellows

The Mandela Washington Fellows visited City Hall on July 12, 2017 and met with City of Columbus Department leaders and elected officials. Mayor Andrew J. Ginther welcomed the Fellows to Columbus. Council members Shannon G. Hardin, Michael Stinziano and President Pro Tem Priscilla R. Tyson spoke with the Fellows about city governance.

City Department presentations included Carla Williams-Scott discussing the Department of Neighborhoods, Auditor Hugh J. Dorrian giving an overview of government structure, Tracie Davies explained the role of the Public Utilities, Dan Giangardella explaining the Department of Finance, Steve Francis laying out the role of Diversity and Inclusion and Anthony Celebrezze talking about Building and Zoning. Additional presentations included Hannah Jones from the Department of Development and Kelly Scocco explaining the Department of Public Safety. The Fellows asked questions about the challenges that Columbus is facing and the successes that have resulted from specific program initiatives.