These workshops are presented by learning specialists from the Walter E. Dennis Learning Center and are intended to help international students with a variety of academic tasks, including studying, writing papers, presenting speeches, taking notes and taking exams. Visit the Dennis Learning Center to learn more about the services they offer.
Spring 2025 academic success workshops
- Keys to Academic Success in a New Cultural Environment: Thursday, January 2, 3-4 p.m.
- Academic Integrity: Friday, January 3, 3-4 p.m.
Academic Integrity
This presentation will help international students better understand the standards for academic integrity at Ohio State.
Building Confidence in Participating in Discussions and Preparing a Presentation
This session provides international students with tips on participating in academic discussions and preparing for class presentations. Specifically, the session offers guidance on:
- Preparing for class discussions
- Getting involved in class discussions
- Asking and answering questions during class
- Useful phrases for academic discussions and presentations
- Practicing presentations and using feedback
Communicating with Faculty and Instructors
This session provides international students with tips on how to communicate effectively with their professors and instructors. Specifically, the session offers guidance on:
- Asking course-related questions in and outside of class
- Discussing ideas with professors/instructors
- Discussing academic performance with professors/instructors
- Etiquette of writing emails to professors/instructors
- Building a relationship with your professor/instructors
Preparing Effective Papers
This workshop helps students with the most common writing assignments at the undergraduate level, including short and long research papers, essays and response papers. Students will learn about:
- Assignment expectations
- How to effectively plan papers
- Rules regarding plagiarism and citations
- Writing resources on campus
Developing Effective Study Skills: Memory Tools and Reading Strategies
This workshop teaches international students to:
- Describe different types of memory
- Identify their sense-related learning style
- Optimize factors that lead to rote learning
- Utilize processes that build meaningful learning
- Attend to overarching factors that affect memory
- Develop a personal study plan incorporating the components above
Academic Resources Panel
This session introduces new international students to academic support resources on campus. Representatives from the Writing Center, Dennis Learning Center, Disability Services and University Libraries will outline the services they offer and help students navigate how to best take advantage of them.
Keys to Strategic, Confident Test Taking
This session provides international students with tips on how to prepare effectively for tests and exams. Specifically, the session offers guidance on:
- Combating pre-exam stress
- Planning study sessions that lead to a sense of preparedness
- Effectively gathering and utilizing feedback from past exams
- Strategically approaching multiple-choice exams
- Strategically approaching essay exams
- Staying calm during exams