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Permanent Housing

On-campus university housing

Scholars seeking on-campus housing: An apartment or a room in the graduate dormitory, while very limited, may sometimes be available for visiting faculty and scholars. Your host department should make arrangements.

For both individual and family housing, contracts are sent after admission has been granted. Applicants for on-campus housing are strongly encouraged to apply early and to contact University Housing prior to arrival.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before you sign the contract, be sure that you read the contract and that you want on-campus housing. The housing contract is for the length of the academic year. If you break your contract, you will be assigned an $800 buy-out fee for each quarter that is remaining on your contract.

The cost of housing varies by the type of room and the meal plan.

For more information

Housing and Residence Education - Office of Student Life
950 Morrill Tower
1800 Cannon Drive
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-292-8266

Off-campus housing

There are many types of housing available near campus and farther away. You may want to talk with other scholars and colleagues from your country about their recommendations for housing.

Renting an apartment

  • Off-campus housing is separate from the university. Apartments off campus are run by private landlords. Some are reputable (trustworthy) and some are not. It is recommended that you have your lease agreement reviewed.
  • Some areas around the campus area are safer than others, so we suggest you do not sign a lease (one-year contract) for an apartment before you have an opportunity to see the area and apartment yourself (or had a friend/relative look at it for you).
  • Many apartments require tenants to pay for utilities. Ask the landlord about which utilities tenants are required to pay and what they typically cost each month before signing a lease.
  • Resources for finding an off-campus apartment:

American Rental Housing "Tips for Tenants"

  • First, read and understand your lease. This document is the legal description of your relationship with your landlord. It will tell you things like how much your rent is, when and how you should pay it, pet restrictions, and responsibility for maintenance. If you do not understand any of the lease terms, ask for an explanation.
  • You should read and understand any community regulations. They may include such things as regulations for using common areas (laundry, exercise facilities, etc.), information about trash/recyclable disposal, noise restrictions, rules about pet behavior, and regulations regarding motor vehicles.
  • Pay your rent on time, every time. Your rent is like any other credit obligation and should be paid in full when it is due. If you are going to have trouble one month, talk to your landlord and try to work out a mutually agreeable arrangement ahead of time.
  • Be a good neighbor. Nothing can sour your relationship with your landlord faster than calls from neighbors complaining about your loud stereo, unattended dog or disruptive behavior.
  • Keep the apartment clean. This may seem obvious, but many tenants will allow dirty dishes and trash and garbage to pile up to the point where the bugs move in or there is a fire hazard. Have some “house pride,” even in an apartment, and keep things clean.
  • Keep an eye out for needed repairs. For the term of your lease, you are the custodian of your rental unit. The landlord cannot come in any time he or she wants to make sure everything is in good repair, so the landlord must rely on you. Do a regular inspection and let your landlord know immediately of anything that needs attention.
  • If you need to leave before the end of your lease term, make sure to let your landlord know as early as possible so you can work out mutually agreeable terms for early termination. Recognize that breaking a lease can put your landlord in a difficult position financially.
  • When you move, make sure you leave the apartment clean. Your landlord may even give you a checklist of things that need to be done before you turn the unit back over to him or her.