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WHIP3/TB Challenge Tuberculosis Study

WHIP3/TB Challenge Tuberculosis (TB) study (WHIP3/TB) is a collaborative, clinical trial project with Aurum Institute funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and led by Ohio State’s College of Medicine with support from Global One Health initiative and Office of Sponsored Programs. 

The study involves HIV positive participants enrolled in the clinical trial to determine the optimal TB prevention treatment protocols. This project is part of a worldwide initiative led by USAID, Challenge TB, which aims to improve access to high-quality patient-centered services, prevent TB transmission and disease progression and strengthen​ TB service delivery platforms in order to end the global TB epidemic.

Ohio State is among the top few global institutions involved in this major Challenge TB project, which is highly endorsed by the World Health Organization and is expected to result in a major milestone that impacts TB patient outcomes globally.

Consider these facts (2016):

  • An estimated 10.4 million people were newly infected with TB
  • 400,000 people with TB/HIV died
  • An estimated 1 million children acquired TB
  • 170,000 children died from TB
  • An estimated 490,000 people developed multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB)
  • An estimated 250,000 people died from MDR-TB
  • Of the estimated 10.4 million new TB cases only 6.3 million were actually diagnosed (61%).

Statistics provided by Challenge TB.