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Information Session: Multicultural Histories and Legacies of Spain

October 3, 2024 | 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Enarson Classroom Building

The discussion will highlight how the MUNDO ES HESA 3573 course allows participants to examine the concept of social change in domestic and global contexts at the Ohio State Columbus campus during the spring semester of 2025 including travel abroad to the cities of Madrid and Barcelona, Spain during spring break. The talk will also highlight in-country experiences abroad that will occur during the study abroad portion of the course including interactive walking tours, international community service, conversations with local leaders and residents, visits to the historically significant sites of Toledo and Montserrat, and more. While abroad the class will explore sites and experiences in and around Madrid and Barcelona. This education abroad program is part of the 3-credit hour ES HESA 3573: Theories of Leadership in Learning Organizations spring semester course, with travel over Spring Break.