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Time Commitment

The position of resident director requires a significant time commitment before, during and after the program. In addition to attending information sessions and orientations, the resident director will be asked to review applications and consult with their education abroad specialist to finalize program details.

The resident director’s attendance, participation in meetings and prompt responses to education abroad specialist and OIA inquiries are critical to the program’s success. Additionally, they are expected to be available and responsive to students who have questions/concerns about the academic content of the program.

Any questions about the terms of the resident director’s regular appointment, course load reduction and/or how the time commitment to the education abroad program is assessed must be directed to the chair or director of the academic unit. See list below for an approximate timeline of activities.

The following gives the resident director an approximate idea of the general flow of activities throughout the life of an Ohio State sponsored education abroad program. Some details/deadlines will vary depending on the specific program. The education abroad specialist will provide the resident director with a more detailed timeline, specific to their program.


Program Development and Recruitment

 Meet with former resident directors Ongoing
 Develop Itinerary By OIA deadline (varies)
 Provide budget information By OIA deadline (varies)
 Create/revise Program Information Sheet Summer
 Determine if academic reference will be collected Summer
 Meet with education abroad specialist about roles and responsibilities Summer
 Communicate with host institution/provider Ongoing (if applicable)
 Hold information sessions/visit classes/clubs Ongoing, before application deadline

 Pre-Departure Preparation

 Review applications, interview students (if applicable) Immediately after application deadline
 Assist with preparing students through pre-departure orientations Two to three meetings before departure
 Develop Group Expectations Contract At pre-departure orientation
Meet with education abroad specialist to get overview of resident director finances One meeting
 Meet with business manager to receive cash advance funds (if applicable) One meeting
 Participate in mandatory health and safety training One meeting
 Communicate with host institution (if applicable) Ongoing
 Obtain passport, visa, immunizations Two to four months before departure
 Work with education abroad specialist to arrange air travel Two to four months before departure
 Ensure all students are registered for the appropriate course One to two months before departure

Mid-program Responsibilities

 Inform OIA of group travel Within 12 hours after arrival to site 
 Conduct on-site orientation Within 36 hours of arrival
 Send reports to education abroad specialist    Weekly or as needed
 Respond to medical and non-medical emergencies  Ongoing and as needed
 Be available 24/7 to students and host institution Ongoing
Serve as liaison between host institution/provider and OIA Ongoing
Assist host institution/provider in arranging field trips and excursions Ongoing
Obtain original itemized receipts for program expenditures and maintain detailed fiscal records Ongoing and as needed

Post-program Responsibilities

 Submit fiscal records and receipts Within three business days after the official last day of the program
 Submit student grades By registrar's deadline
 Debrief with education abroad specialist       Two to four weeks after return
 Assist future resident directors Ongoing
 Begin planning for next year Ongoing