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Memorandum of Understanding Template

In accordance with a mutual desire to promote further cooperation in higher education between the United States of America and (insert name of county), (Insert name of the other university), (Insert name of city of other university, country), and The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA enter into this formal agreement for the purpose of educational and cultural exchange. 

The two institutions have found it mutually beneficial to initiate the following cooperative activities: 

  1. Exchange of theses, teaching materials, and other scientific and technological literature
  2. Research collaboration 
  3. Exchange of faculty and scholars for lecturing, advanced studies, and research
  4. Conduct of joint workshops, symposia, etc. on topics of mutual interest, and
  5. Exploration of potential student exchanges. (Student exchanges shall require separate written agreements between the parties.)

It is understood that the details of joint activities, conditions for utilization of the results achieved, and arrangements for specific visits, exchanges, and all other forms of cooperation will be negotiated for each specific case. All specific arrangements will require separate written agreements. It is also understood that any financial arrangements will be negotiated in each specific case and will depend upon the availability of funds. Each party agrees to seek financial resources for supporting such exchanges and collaboration.

This agreement will be in force for a period of five (5) years from the latest date appearing below. It may be renewed for additional periods of five years if both institutions, acting independently, agree in writing to renew it at least six (6) months before it expires.

Insert signature line with date
The Ohio State University

Insert signature line with date
Senior Vice President of Business and Finance and Chief Financial Officer 
The Ohio State University

Insert signature line with date
Insert counterpart name

Insert signature line with date
Insert counterpart name