
Law Master Class

Partner information

Alliance for the Control of Tobacco(ACT) and the University of São Paulo Law School (FD-USP). ACT is a non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting actions to reduce the health impact of tobacco. USP is the top university in Brazil and Latin America with more than 55 years of partnership with Ohio State.

Contact: Joana Cruz, attorney at ACT.

Project information

In 2019, the Brazil Gateway organized a panel and master class to discuss the legal implications of tobacco in Brazil and in the United States. Professor Micah Berman from Moritz College of Law and College of Public Health visited Brazil and was one of the panelists at the event along with other speakers from USP, ACT and the Pontifical University of Rio Grande do Sul.

“The event was very important; the organization was great, with throughout availability and professionalism from the Brazil Gateway.” said Cruz.