
Iuri Amazonas

Iuri Amazonas was a visiting scholar at Ohio State from 2018-2019. 

My name is Iuri Amazonas and I was a doctoral student in environmental science, through the Environmental Science Program at the University of São Paulo (PROCAM/USP). In 2018-2019, I was visiting scholar at Ohio State, within the Department of Anthropology, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Nicholas Kawa.

I had an incredibly positive experience working in collaboration with the members of the Department of Anthropology.

Thanks to my advisor, Kawa, I experienced a deeper level of the North American way of living as well as the many cultural differences it has with the Brazilian one.

By participating in the socioecological systems' working group, I also gained valuable experience in the research field as well as the administrative roles to apply for academic funds and coordinate research projects. I recommend Ohio State for prospective students.

Kawa and I developed a project together, which resulted in the publication of the following article “Using Rich Pictures to Model the ‘Good Life’ in Indigenous Communities of the Tumucumaque Complex in Brazilian Amazonia”.