
Bhakti Bania

Bhakti Bania

Bhakti Bania ’01 MArch, founding CEO and co-owner of BBCO, an architecture and interior design firm in Columbus, was featured in the March edition of the Ohio State Alumni Magazine. She recently took the time to share additional insights into her career and the opportunities she found at Ohio State.

How did you choose Ohio State for your master’s program?

I heard a lot about the great architecture program at the Knowlton School and I had one friend already attending Ohio State. I didn’t know anyone at the three other schools that I had been admitted to.

Describe your experience at Ohio State?

I enjoyed my experience at Ohio State, although it was very different from my undergraduate program. We studied a lot more theory, did more reading and my project presentations were in front of all my peers and multiple professors. Classes were thought provoking and there were a lot of late nights in the design studio. Student life was quite challenging, but also lots of fun. I became close friends with my classmates, met people from all over the world and connected with other Indian students on campus.

What was your most impactful learning experience?

For the final graduation project for my master’s program, I had to do a public lecture. Prior to that presentation I was not comfortable with public speaking and really was terrified at the prospect. Having no other choice, I practiced a lot and by the time I presented the lecture, I was not that scared. I have gotten more and more comfortable with public speaking. Last year, I had the honor of speaking in front of about 500 students at the graduation breakfast for the Knowlton School. And I actually enjoyed it!

How was the bond between you and the faculty at Ohio State?

I had wonderful professors for my master’s program. I have stayed in touch with several of them and still am very involved with Knowlton, even though I graduated in 2001. My professors have continued being highly supportive, including nominating me for awards, which is so generous.

How did the Ohio State prepare you for your career?

The most helpful skill I learned was how to be a critical thinker.

What changes would you like to bring to your profession?

Architecture is a male-dominated profession, so I am always looking to support more women in leadership positions in the field. That is what motivated me to start a firm and continue to show other women that it can be done. I am always looking for equity and inclusion for women in my profession and to encourage more women to be in leadership positions across the industry. 

What are your ideals and how do you define success?

I believe in always doing my best and caring about the work that I do. For me, success can mean different things for different situations. Over the course of a project, when BBCO becomes a trusted partner for the client, I consider that a success.

What advice do you give to a student who wants to pursue a career in architecture?

Be excellent. Understand what you are good at and enjoy doing and become the best at it. This will make you invaluable on a team and help you advance in your career. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and always remember to be a lifelong learner.

Learn more about Bania’s career trajectory and BBCO via their blog.