
Jeanie Schuerman

Jeanie Schuerman studied on the Nursing Experience in Norway during summer 2022.

Jeanie Schuerman, a nursing graduate student, studied abroad on the College of Nursing Nursing Experience in Norway program during summer 2022.

"My education abroad experience was amazing because I learned so much about different models of healthcare. We participated (and presented!) in an international conference on public and community health with students and professionals from all over Scandinavia. We then worked in groups with Norwegian nursing students to innovate solutions to health issues both of our nations face. We shadowed Norwegian nursing students and experienced the Norwegian healthcare system firsthand. We also explored Oslo and took a road trip to the western fjords, which are epically breathtaking," 

"I love studying abroad because travel makes me feel ALIVE - some things you learn from books and some things you learn from life. It pulls me into the present like no other and reminds me that life is an adventure. Travel sparks curiosity, encourages connections, and makes play a priority. It breaks me open in both uncomfortable and incredible ways."

"It’s vital to be a global citizen because as human beings, we are all intertwined. What affects one of us ultimately affects all of us. We need to be able to shift out of our comfort zone and experience a fuller spectrum of human life to better understand different perspectives and mutually enrich the world. This trip to Norway felt like coming home. I’m thankful beyond words for it."

Read more on the Nursing in Norway 2022 blog.