
Work Groups

The international strategic planning work groups represent a broad cross-section of stakeholders across the university and have a depth and breadth of expertise in their respective fields of interest and professions. The main objective of each work group is to identify goals and capture ways to move the university to a new level of international engagement that aligns with Ohio State’s mission as a 21st century land-grant institution.

Globally Significant Research

Chair: Angela Brintlinger, Professor, Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures; Director, Center for Slavic and East European Studies
Co-Chair: Carina Hansen, Director of International Students and Scholars, Office of International Affairs

International Partnerships and Collaborations

Chair: Etsuyo Yuasa, Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures; Director, East Asian Studies Center
Co-Chair: Padmini Roy-Dixon, Executive Director, Global Gateways and Partnerships, Office of International Affairs

Global Reputation and Outreach

Chair: Fernando Unzueta, Associate Vice Provost for Global Strategies and International Affairs
Co-Chair: Maureen Miller, Director of Communications, Office of International Affairs

Global Education and the Student Experience

Chair: Terrell Morgan, Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Director, Center for Latin American Studies
Co-Chair: Jenny Kraft, Education Abroad Specialist, Office of International Affairs

Global Operations

Chair: Eric Bode, Senior Fiscal Officer, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Interim Co-Chair: Kirti Jain, Fiscal and Human Resource Officer, Office of International Affairs