Brincando com o rio

Brincando com o rio
Two kids playing by the shore of Rio Tejo.

“Brincando com o rio”
Location: Lisboa, Portugal
Date: August 2024
Photographer: Maria Vitória de Rezende Grisi
Affiliation: Graduate Student
Home Country: Brazil
Category: People
Award: Honorable Mention and People's Choice
2024 International Photography Exhibition

"This picture shows two kids playing by the shore of Rio Tejo (Tejo River) in Lisboa, Portugal. I was looking at all the people and how they reacted to the river, to the beautiful constructions around them (Terreiro do Paço), and to the sun that was setting at the moment. These kids caught my attention as they were playing with the waves that would come and go, and they did not seem to care about anything else. Among all the chaos of tourism, Tuk Tuks trying to sell rides, street artists, and vendors, these kids seemed to care only about the waves that were touching their feet."