
Over 70 alumni and friends joined together in São Paulo to celebrate Ohio State’s sesquicentennial and 55 years of collaborations with the University of São Paulo. A photo exhibit illustrated Ohio State’s engagement in Brazil through 25 images depicting the first recorded Brazilian student, Isaac Abramson in 1946 to Ohio State’s first delegation visit to USP School of Agriculture (ESALQ) in 1964 to recent activities involving students, visiting scholars and faculty.
A delegation from Ohio State that included Provost Bruce McPheron and other senior leaders attending, highlighting the importance of recognizing long-lasting partnerships and building strong connections with Ohio State alumni.
The first of four CAPES PrInt workshops took place featuring research partnerships between Brazilian universities and Ohio State. CAPES PrInt awarded $60 million in funding for various projects.
The Ohio State Alumni Club of Brazil launched in São Paulo. Roberto Abramson, ’77 MBA, CEO of Abramson Strategics, served as the club’s inaugural president.
The Brazil Gateway helped facilitate the partnership that resulted in the first Digital Pathology Conference of the Americas, co-hosted by The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute and the Barretos Cancer Hospital (Hospital de Amor), São Paulo, Brazil.